Thursday 28 June 2012

"Walk In Confidence With God"

When nothing stops you and you put yourself in the position for God to meet with you, you will find that everything else falls into proper perspective because you know His voice when He says,"This is the way, walk in it". And you'll walk in confidence, knowing without a shadow of doubt that you are "His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them"
- [Ephesians 2:10]

Friday 22 June 2012

"Let God Encourage Others Through You"

God usually works through people. The encouragement and love you receive through others, actually has its source in God. So as we show love and offer encouragement, we can be God's mouth and hands extended to those around us. One of the main purposes of Christians believers meeting together is for encouragement. We are to encourage one another. Scripture tells us that Jesus does not give up on people just because they are weak. Many are weak and need input to give them strength to continue. Many more would overcome life if they had more encouragement. Jesus desires to help people. If you are a member of His body on earth, His plan is to work through you today.

"Ten Things God Wants You To Remember"


Thursday 21 June 2012

"Let Him Guide You To A Glorious Destiny!"

Don't allow your present difficulties blind you to the promise that God will complete His work in you.Although the path may lead through some dark valleys or seem to take some unnecessary detours,you will one day look back & discover that God's way really was the best! Trust in Him & let Him guide you to a glorious destiny!

"Eternity With Christ"

It's time to delete those old files. Purge them with the Word of God. Create new folders and fill them full of God's perspective and truth about your life. You are what the Bible says you are. You are His creation - a new creature in Christ. You have a new life and a new destination - eternity with Him.

Thursday 14 June 2012

"He Will Always Show Us The Way"

God will always show you which way to go when you call on Him for direction.God is your Heavenly navigator,always on call,waiting to steer you in the right direction for your life.Throughout your journey,you can trust God's still small voice to guide you out of the darkness and into the light.

"He Does All Things Well"

The circumstances in your life don't just occur. If He isn't going to use it for your good, He won't allow it. God promises His children that no matter what happens to us, He will work it out for the good of those who are yielded to His purposes. When you're confused by some twist of events, trust in God's unwavering, sovereign,loving ways. He does all things well.